
About Dr. S Grover


Publication List

Papers Presented

Summary Table

Current Research






Scholarly Books/Monographs/Edited Volume Published

1.0 Scholarly Books Published

  1.  cover Grover, S.C. (2021)  The Persecution of Children as a Crime Against Humanity: The Case for the Prosecution, Springer Publishing,hardcover.  (VIEW BOOK FLYER)  

  2. cover Grover, S.C. (2020) Judicial Activism and the Democratic Rule of Law: Selected Case Studies, Springer Publishing, hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this link to Book Stores - Chapters, Amazon, Waterstones, BARNES & NOBLES, KRISOSTOMUS, Browns Books for Students)

  3. Peremptory International Legal Norms and the Democratic Rule of Law: 1st Edition (Hardback) book cover Grover, S.C. (2019) (Editor) Peremptory International Legal Norms and the Democratic Rule of law, Routledge, 116 pages, hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this link to Book Stores - Chapters, Amazon, Waterstones, BARNES & NOBLES, KRISOSTOMUS)

  4. Grover, S.C. (2018) Child Refugee Asylum as a Basic Human Right: Selected Case Law on State Resistance, Springer Publishing, 245 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this link to Book Stores -Chapters, Amazon, BARNES & NOBLES, Browns Books for Students, Standard Boekhandel, KRISOSTOMUS, Waterstones)

  5.   Grover, S.C. (2017) (Editor) The Responsibility to Protect: Perspectives on the Concept's Meaning, Proper Application and Value, Routledge, 324 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this link to Book Stores - ChaptersAmazonBARNES & NOBLES, WaterstonesKRISOSTOMUS)

  6. Children Defending their Human Rights Under the CRC Communications Procedure Grover, S.C. (2015) Children Defending their Human Rights Under the CRC Communications Procedure: On Strengthening the Convention on the Rights of the Child Complaints Mechanism, Springer Publishing, 318 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this Link to Book Stores -Chapters, Amazon, BARNES & NOBLES, Waterstones)

  7. The Torture of Children During Armed Conflicts Grover, S.C.(2014) The torture of children during armed conflicts: The ICC failure to prosecute and the negation of children's human dignity, Springer Publishing, 228 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this Link to Book Stores - Chapters, Amazon, Waterstones, BARNES & NOBLE, TSO Online Bookshop, KRISOSTOMUS, FlipKart

  8. Humanity’s Children Grover, S C. (2013) Humanity’s Children: ICC Jurisprudence and the Failure to Address the Genocidal Forcible Transfer of Children, Springer Publishing, 324 pages hardcover.  VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this Link to Book Stores - Chapters, Amazon, BARNES & NOBLE, KRISOSTOMUS, FlipKart)

  9. Child Soldier Victims of Genocidal Forcible Transfer Grover, S.C. (2012) Child Soldier Victims of Genocidal Forcible Transfer: Exonerating  child soldiers charged with grave conflict-related international crimes, Springer Publishing, 320 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this Link to Book Stores - Chapters, Amazon, BARNES & NOBLE, FlipKart, KRISOSTOMUS, Lavoisier)

  10. Schoolchildren as Propaganda Tools in the War on Terror Grover, S.C. (2011)  Schoolchildren as Propaganda Tools in the War on Terror: Violating the Rights of Afghani Children under International Law, Springer Publishing, 279 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this Link to Book Stores - Chapters, Amazon, BARNES & NOBLE, KRISOSTOMUS, FlipKart, TSO Online Bookshop)

  11. Young People’s Human Rights and the Politics of Voting Age Grover, S.C. (2010) Young People’s Human Rights and the Politics of Voting Age, Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice Series, Springer Publishing, 268 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this Link to Book Stores - Chapters, Amazon BARNES & NOBLE, KRISOSTOMUS, FlipKart, TSO Online Bookshop)

  12. The European Court of Human Rights as a Pathway to Impunity for International Crimes Grover, S.C. (2010) The European Court of Human Rights as a Pathway to Impunity for International Crimes, Springer Publishing, 350 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See this Link to Book Stores - Chapters, Amazon, BARNES & NOBLE, Lavoisier, KRISOSTOMUS, FlipKart, Tower Books, TSO Online Bookshop)

  13. Prosecuting International Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed Against Children Grover, S.C. (2009) Prosecuting International Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed Against Children, Springer Publishing, 1132 pages hardcover. VIEW BOOK FLYER  (See this Link to Book Stores -  Chapters,  Amazon, TSO Online Bookshop, BARNES & NOBLE, Lavoisier, KRISOSTOMUS, FlipKart, Tower Books)

  14. Grover S.C. (2008) The Child’s Right to Legal Standing, Butterworths Canada (Lexis Nexis Canada), 327 pages. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See Link to Book Stores - Amazon)

  15.   Children's Human Rights: Challenging Global Barriers to the Child Liberation Movement Grover, S.C. (2007) Children’s Human Rights: Challenging Global Barriers to the Child Liberation Movement,  Original Ideas in Law and Jurisprudence Monograph Series, Sandstone Academic Press, 342 pages. VIEW BOOK FLYER  (See Link to Book Stores - Amazon)

  16.  Cognitive Basis of the Intellect: Response to Jensen's Bias in Mental TestingGrover, S.C. (1983) The Analysis of Human Behavior : A Psychological Laboratory Manual, New York: Irvington Publishers. VIEW BOOK FLYER (See Link to Book Stores - Amazon)

  17. Product DetailsGrover, S.C. (1981) The Cognitive Basis of the Intellect: A Response to Jensen's "Bias In Mental Testing", Washington: University Press of America. (See Link to Book Stores - Amazon) 

  18. Product DetailsGrover, S.C. (1981) Toward a Psychology of The Scientist: Implications of Psychological Research For Contemporary Philosophy of Science, Washington: University Press of America. (See Link to Book Stores - Amazon)


1.1 Edited Volumes Published


  1. Publication Cover Grover, S. C. (2018) (Guest Editor)  Special Issue International Journal of Human Rights International Peremptory Norms and the Democratic Rule of Law, Vol. 22 (10), 1267-1376. (VIEW VOLUME FLYER)

  1. Publication Cover Grover, S. C. (2017) (Guest Editor)  Special issue of the International Journal of Human Rights The notion of maternal immunity in tort for pre-natal harms causing permanent disability for the born alive child: Human Rights Controversies , Vol. 21(6), 653-771.(with Introduction authored by Grover, S. C., and blind reviewed article contribution to the issue as well)(VIEW VOLUME FLYER)
  2. Publication Cover Tara M. Collins, Sonja Grover, Mónica Ruiz-Casares and E. Kay M. Tisdall(2017) (Guest Editors) Special Issue of the International Journal of Human Rights Facilitating Child Participation in International Child Protection, Vol. 21(1), 1-102. (VIEW VOLUME FLYER)

  1. The International Journal of Human Rights Grover, S. C. (2014) (Guest Editor) Special Issue of the International Journal of Human Rights Women’s and Children’s Human Rights, Vol. 18(6), 579-734 R (with Introduction authored by Grover, S. C.,  579-581). (VIEW VOLUME FLYER)











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Last modified: 05/12/05

