
About Dr. S Grover


Publication List

Summary Table

Current Research

Academic Books






                 Double Blind Refereed Conference Papers Presented

  1. Grover, S. (2015)  Advocating for children of Haitian descent born in the Dominican Republic to undocumented parents and denied Dominican birthright nationality/citizenship : Conference “Facilitating Child Participation in International Child Protection” (paper  prepared and distributed to discussants in advance/attended virtually to discuss the paper as related to theme of political /legal issues overlap in child protection international matters October 5, 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.   

  2. Grover, S.C. (2012) Lakehead University 2012 SSHRC Distinguished Researcher Presentation: The torture of children as war strategy in Syria: A violation of jus cogens international law. Lakehead University, March 5, 2012, 3:30-4:30 , ATAC Building room 5036.

  3. Grover, S. C. (2010) The Lebensborn children of Norway (children born of Nazi fathers during WWII) and the silencing of their voices by an international human rights court: An analysis of the 2007 European Court of Human Rights decision in Werner Hermann Thiermann and others v. Norway, 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, August 2-5, 2010 (Virtual Presentation).

  4. Grover, S.C. (2009) Child Victims of International Crimes as "Victims Participants" at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, University of Athens, Greece, July 8-11, 2009) (Virtual Presentation).

  5. Grover, S.C. (2008) Exploring the Angst of Some Academic Feminists Concerning Children’s Rights. 6th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Faith University, Istanbul, Turkey, July 8-11, 2008 (Virtual Presentation).

  6. Grover, S.C. (2008) Lay perceptions of the link between self-advocacy and good mental health. 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences July 22-25, Monash University Centre, Prato, Tuscany, Italy (Virtual Presentation).

  7. Grover, S.C. (2007) Co-opting Children’s Rights Language: An Example Concerning the Topic of Sexual Exploitation of Adolescents. Fifth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Paris July 17-20, 2007 (Sponsored by Columbia University) (virtual presentation).

  8. Grover, S.C. (2007) Age Discrimination and the Disabled Child in the Educational Context: A Canadian Court Example. Fourteenth International Conference on Learning, (sponsored by the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa), June 26-29, 2007 (virtual presentation).

  9. Grover, S.C. (2006) Children’s Right to be Educated for Tolerance: Minority Rights and Inclusion. Education and Conflict: Research, Policy and Practice. Co-sponsors Exeter College, University of Oxford and UNICEF (in association with UNESCO), April 11-12, 2006 (virtual presentation/non-refereed).  

  10. Grover, S.C. (2006) Street- Involved Children as Functionally Stateless: An Example of Global Equity Issues in Education. Globalization, Equity and Education Conference Sponsored by Lakehead University and Brock University, Thunder Bay, July 2006.

  11. Grover, S.C. (2005) Legal theory as ethical principle in children’s rights: On the need for a universal human rights perspective. The Third International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Homerton College, University of Cambridge, UK August 2-5, 2005 (virtual presentation).

  12. Grover, S. C. (2005) The place of empathy in social science research. The 12th International Conference on Learning , Faculty of Education, University of Granada, Spain, 11-14 July 2005 (virtual presentation).

  13. Grover, S.C. (2004) Advocacy as a Causal Factor in Promoting Childhood Resilience. 6th International Looking After Children Conference “Promoting Resilient development in Child Welfare” Sponsored by the Child Welfare League of Canada and a number of other agencies involved in child welfare as well as the Center for research on community services, University of Ottawa (Ottawa August 16-19, 2004)

  14. Grover, S.C. (2004) The child as human rights defender: Implications for peace education in the elementary and middle school. Eleventh International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, Sponsored by the Central Institute for Pedagogical Sciences, Cuban Ministry of Education, Educators for Peace Commission, Cuban Movement for Peace and Sovereignty of Peoples, Globalism Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia among others, Havana, Cuba, June 27-30, 2004 (Virtual presentation).

  15. Grover, S.C. (2004) Nowhere to turn: On the refusal of the Supreme Court of Canada to recognize a fiduciary duty to children abused while in foster care. Thirty-fourth Annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Conference on Social Development, Social Inequalities and Social Justice June 3-5, 2004, Toronto, Canada (Sponsored by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto).

  16. Grover, S.C. (2004) School community and equity as a means to addressing youth in difficulty: A case study of the views of students from two Northern Ontario high schools. Attention and Behavioral Difficulties Among Northern Youth Conference, Sponsored by the Center of Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs, Faculty of Education, Lakehead University, April 23-24, 2004, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.   

  17. Grover, S.C. (2003) Challenging Oppressive Speech in Academia: A Human Rights Analysis presented at the UNESCO International conference on Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding , Human Rights and  a Culture of Peace, June 15-18, 2003 Jyväskylä, Finland.  

  18. Grover, S.C. (2003) Human Rights Considerations in Academic Research with Vulnerable Groups: A Case Analysis presented at the UNESCO International conference on Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding, Human Rights and a Culture of Peace, June 15-18, 2003 Jyväskylä, Finland  

  19. Grover, S.C. (2003) Advocating for Children’s Rights as an Aspect of Professionalism: The Role of Frontline Workers and Children’s Rights Commissions Promise into Practice Child and Youth Care International Conference hosted by Department of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria, August 20-23, 2003

  20. Grover, S.C. (2003) Normalizing Social Inequity Through Educational Testing: The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test as a Case Example. The Learning Conference. Institute of Education, University of London, July 15-18, 2003 (Virtual presentation). 

  21. Grover, S.C. (2001) Why aren’t these youngsters in school? Meeting Canada’s Charter obligations to disadvantaged adolescents. Lakehead University Annual Graduate Student Conference, Thunder Bay, Ontario. 

  22. Grover, S.C. (2001) Psychologist as Child Advocate: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Clinical Context. Presented at the Therapeutic Jurisprudence Conference held in Cincinnati. (Presented by Warren Brookbanks, Associate Professor of Law, University of Auckland on Dr Grover's behalf though he was not a contributor to the paper as she was unable to attend). 

  23. Grover, S.C. (1983) A Strategy for Individualizing Software for the Preschooler. Presentation to the Fourth Annual Conference of the Educational Computing Organization, Toronto, (April). 

  24. Grover, S.C. (1982) The Psychology of the Scientist. Presentation to the University of Calgary. Sponsored by the Department of Psychology. 

  25. Grover, S.C. (1982) On the Logic of Proposed Logics of Scientific Discovery. Fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Ann Arbour, Michigan, (August) (Virtual presentation). 

  26. Grover, S.C. and Wight-Felskie, A. (1982) The Developmentally Handicapped Adult=s Knowledge of Self as Learner: Empirical Findings and Program Implications. Presentation to the Sixth International Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, Toronto. (Presented by A. Wight-Felskie). 

  27. Grover, S.C. and Fry, P. (1981) Existing Metacognitive Skills in Developmentally Handicapped Children, Canadian Child in the Eighties Conference, Mount St. Vincent University, (March 1981, presented by S. Grover).

  28. Fry, P. and Grover, S.C. (1981) Children of Single Parents: Their Perceptions of Personal Needs, Stresses and Concerns for the Future. Canadian Child in the Eighties Conference, Mount St. Vincent University, (March, 1981 Presented by P. Fry). 

  29. Fry, P. and Grover, S.C. (1981) Cognitive Appraisal in Depressed and Non-Depressed Elderly: A Cross-cultural comparison of Asians and Caucasians. Canadian Psychological Association Conference (Presented by P. Fry). 

  30. Fry, P. and Grover, S.C. (1981) Age Related Differences in Correlates of Job Satisfaction Among Women. Psychology of Women Division, American Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, (August, (Presented by P. Fry). 

  31. Fry, P. and Grover, S.C. (1981) Social, Affective and Cognitive Mediators of Depression in the Elderly, American Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, (August). (Presented by P. Fry). 

  32. Fry, P. and Grover, S.C. (1981) Parent-child Interactional Styles as a Function of Mother's Age, Knowledge of Child development and Expectation of the Parenting Role, Western Psychological Association (Presented by P. Fry). 

  33. Grover, S.C. (1980) Alternate Conceptions of Learning Disabilities. Invited presentation for grand rounds, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta.   

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Last modified: 05/10/06